● What is worship?
○ Psalm 29:1-2
■ “Ascribe to Yahweh, O sons of the mighty; Ascribe to Yahweh glory and
strength. Ascribe to Yahweh the glory of His name; Worship Yahweh in
the splendor of holiness.”
○ “Worship, simply put, is the purpose of life.”
○ Our aim as the congregation gathers to meet with God in public worship on the
Lord’s Day, is to glorify and enjoy God in accordance with His written Word.
● The Church is:
○ An outpost of the Kingdom of Heaven.
■ Gather ambassadors, not consumers.
■ We worship because we are the church.
■ Submission to Scripture.
■ Declare Heaven’s judgements.
■ Exemplify God’s Kingdom.
■ Worship is evangelistic.
● Should command the dark into the light.
○ A Holy Temple.
■ Enjoy direct fellowship with God and each other.
○ Body of Christ.
■ Gather for mutual edification that results in unity.
■ “Build up” (1 Cor 14)
■ Edify and be edified.
■ Corporate worship is discipleship.
■ Worship should reflect and contribute to a church’s unity.
● Why does God gather His people?
○ Unto His glory (Exaltation).
○ For mutual good (Edification).
○ Before the world’s gaze (Evangelism).
● Regulative Principle of Worship.
○ Affirms the basic notion that God defines, in His Word, how we should engage
with Him in corporate worship.
■ Elements, forms, and circumstances.
● Elements
○ Read the Word.
○ Pray the Word.
○ Preach the Word.
○ Sing the Word.
● Forms
○ The ‘how’ of worship
■ Open to some interpretation.
● Circumstances
○ Practical aspects of gathering.
■ When, where, etc.